Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Tooth Fairy Trap by Rachelle Burk, 
artwork by Amy Cullings Moreno

The Tooth Fairy Trap, by Rachelle Burk, with artwork by Amy Cullings Moreno, is a lovely little chapter book for early readers. The main character, Bluma, is a young tooth fairy who is oddly enough, allergic to her own fairy dust. She has the nightly challenge of collecting baby teeth and leaving coins. Some of the children on her route are sweet. They leave her notes and little gifts. However, there’s one boy, Brian, who is quite the opposite. He sets a trap for her. Bluma must use her wits with this tricky boy. She promises Faylene, the wise older fairy, that she will remember

When I prance upon a bed,
I’ll use my dust, my wings, my head.”

Bluma does just that. She uses her fairy dust–achoo–her mind, and things she’s collected over her night’s work. She even enlists the help of Brian’s cranky pet hamster. Will Bluma avoid the trap Brian has set for her? Will she retrieve his tooth so she won’t have to go back to polishing teeth with the younger fairies? You’ll just have to get the book and see for yourself how Bluma fares in this charming story.
Amy Cullings Moreno’s illustrations are perfect. They give the young reader something to look at from time to time in each chapter. They’re simple and pleasing in black/white and gray scale.  Young readers will appreciate the whimsy and humor in both the text and artwork.

This early chapter book is definitely recommended for young readers. It could even work as a read aloud for younger children, especially younger siblings trying to understand what happens when their older brother or sister loses a tooth. It also shows how important it is to think for oneself , make decisions, and solve problems.

The Tooth Fairy Trap is published by Wiggle Room Books and available from and

More information about author Rachelle Burk is at

More information about artist Amy Cullings Moreno is at
Tooth Fairy Trap, Rachelle Burk, Amy Cullings Moreno, early reader, fairy dust, problem solving, children's story, baby teeth


  1. Thanks for this engrossing review, Penny. I am impressed by Ms. Moreno's clever plot and interesting characters. I love stories about The Tooth Fairy, in her many guises.

    1. HI Barbara, Rachelle did a great job on this cute book and Ms. Moreno's artwork is cute. Thanks for your support. Wishing them both success!
