Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Emma McKenna’s Ice Cream Dilemma

Written and Illustrated by Terry Cook

Terry Cook has written and illustrated a new book, “Emma McKenna’s Ice Cream Dilemma." It's a book and kids and even parents can totally relate to:  which ice cream flavor shall I choose? There are always too many choices. How about a few tasty bites to narrow it down? And don’t forget toppings? There are a lot of choices there, too.

Uncle Pete takes Emma McKenna to the ice cream store. He has a sweet tooth and wants her to choose her favorite flavor. Emma's problem is she really can’t make up her mind which flavor she wants. That’s just one of her dilemmas. She tries tasting some to help her choose. Uncle Pete and the ice cream man try to help her by reciting all the different flavors to choose from. That just confuses her more. She tastes a lot of flavors, but nothing is jumping out, saying choose me.

When Uncle Pete moves on to list the various toppings, poor Emma is already covered in ice cream drippings and more confused than ever. Uncle Pete gets a little fanciful and exotic: 

Perhaps instead of berry ice, you’d rather have sugared mice.

There’s ogre eyeballs or kitty kibble, all topped off with baby

I’ve ostrich toe nails, candied ants, or curly whirly elephant,

blueberry glazed wild monkey butts, and rattlesnake-y hickory

I’m sure these last few will appeal more to daring adventurers than to Miss Emma. Uncle Pete is just getting warmed up and gives her a lot more choices. She still can’t decide. The ending tells us why!

Ms. Cook's artwork is fresh and colorful. It matches the story perfectly. With words and expressive pictures Ms. Cook shows us exactly what’s happening as we struggle along with Emma to see where her ice cream confusion will take her. There’s even some fun facts about ice cream and a recipe for homemade ice cream at the end.

Ms. Cook has created an amusing story in rhyme about choices that we all face, whether it’s ice cream flavors or party favors, which book to check out, which movie to watch, what gift to give, or what food to buy at the store or choose at the restaurant--or even which restaurant to choose. We make choices every day. Most of them not so silly, and many of them not serious, but some try our patience and the patience of our teachers, family, and friends. Poor Emma and poor us, especially when we just can’t choose or decide. This book is recommended for ages four to eight.

More information about Terry Cook is at

“Emma McKenna’s Ice Cream Dilemma” is published by

Emma McKenna, Uncle Pete, Terry Cook, ice cream, toppings, choices, flavors, dilemma, treats, children's books, rhymes


  1. This book sounds adorable Penny! I remember my brother when he was little , he could never make up his mind when my father would take us to the candy store. So cute. Great review. Best wishes to Terry.

  2. Hi Susan, thanks so much for your support. Yes, I recall getting punchy just trying to decide what restaurant to go to--hard to make decisions and choices. Even harder when it's ice cream. Wishing Terry much success. Blessings, Penny

  3. Great review, Penny. Emma's problem was a good one to have. ;-)

    1. Hi Jan, thanks for your supportive comments. Yes, a fun but silly problem. Cute story. Wishing her much success. Blessings, Penny

  4. Sounds like so much fun! Love the sugared mice
