Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Written and Illustrated by Jill Dana

Jill Dana has written a tribute book to and for children with cancer. Her Pink Hair is the story is about Stephanie, a little girl who has cancer. It is told from the viewpoint of her best friend. Stephanie’s friend visits her at home and in the hospital. We see the stages that Stephanie goes through in her struggle. First she’s sick and weak. Then she leaves school and goes to the hospital for treatment. But she loses her long hair from the cancer treatments. Then when her hair starts to grow back, her mother dyes it pink. How her hair changes shows us how Stephanie changes in the progression of her disease.

Ms. Dana uses the medium of clay sculpture to illustrate her book. The scenes are three dimensional and artfully done. I almost expected her characters to come alive and walk off the page on their own. This simulated action and three dimensional sculpture is the result of Ms. Dana’s artistic and film-making background. Her artwork is sure to captivate children.

Her Pink Hair is a moving story of friendship and caring. It is a gift for family and friends who are left with memories, questions, and loss. This book can be helpful to children who have a friend or family member dealing with cancer. This story can open a dialogue and help answer some questions. But not the hardest ones, such as why does this happen to our friends and family members and why can’t our medicines and treatments save everyone? Recommended for ages five to eight.

More information on Jill Dana is at

Her Pink Hair is published by (print and ebook editions). It is also available from and other quality online book sellers.

Her Pink Hair, Jill Dana, children's literature, children's books, kids' stories, cancer, treatment, losing hair, friendship, family, mother, friends, hospital, clay sculpture, 3-D artwork


  1. I've read Her Pink Hair by Jill Dana and it is wonderful. Very sensitive to the topic with illustrations that will interest any child. Excellent work.

    1. Hi Jane,
      thanks for your comments. I appreciate your support. Wishing Jill much success with this great book.

    2. Thank you again Jane Ellen and Penny! You have both been so supportive of 'Her Pink Hair'! I'm touched you both found the book so moving... <3

  2. This seems like a great book for children who are dealing with this difficult issue, and the clay sculptures are lovely!

    1. Thanks for your comments. This is hard at any age but kids especially need support and help.

  3. The book sounds like it should be helpful to lots of kids. And even grown=ups struggle with the other questions you mention.

    1. Thanks for your support. I hope it is shared with kids family friends.

    2. I hope that the book is helpful to kids and adults! Thank you both!

  4. A lovely review, as always, Penny. What a clever way to illustrate your book, Jill!
    I wish you much success with a book that is much needed.

    1. Thanks for your comments. Yes the artwork is amazing. I hope this book helps a lot of families.

    2. I'm so happy that you both are enjoying the illustrations! :)
      Yes, I hope that this book is helpful to many people too...
      Thanks Barbara and Penny!

  5. A positive, supportive story about a scary subject. I will ask my local libraries to purchase it. I think every elementary school should have a book like this in school or classroom libraries. It will help kids with cancer feel like they are not alone, help their friends understand what they're going through, and give those who have never experienced the grief this disease causes understand what others go through. "About 10,450 children in the United States under the age of 15 will be diagnosed with cancer in 2014. Childhood cancer rates have been rising slightly for the past few decades."
    This book should also be available in doctors offices.

    1. Thanks for your thoughts and comments. Yes I would like to see this book in schools libraries and doctors' offices. Wishing Jill much success.

    2. Thank you for your insightful comments, Debra! And, thank you for asking libraries to purchase the book! I really appreciate you spreading the word about 'Her Pink Hair'! I hope that the book is a source of comfort to many people...
      Thank you again Penny!!

  6. Thank you Penny for the thoughtful and well-written review! And, thank you all for the comments and Penny for your replies! I really appreciate each comment! All of the support means so much to me!
    For those who are interested, please join my facebook page to share your thoughts and receive updates on 'Her Pink Hair':

  7. Thank you for the review, Penny. This is a sensitive subject, and it's good to see a book that can help children better understand.

    1. Hi Connie, yes, this is a difficult subject and this book is gentle and can help open the discussion. Thanks for your comments. Penny

    2. Thank you Connie!! I hope 'Her Pink Hair' helps many children...

      (And, thanks again, Penny!)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.
